For Sale/Wanted

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Looking for .223 Rem. empty brass. Email

For Sale:

Smith & Wessom Model 41 for Sale with original box, less than 200
rounds fired $800.00

One pound canasters of powder
IMR 4227 $30.00 or H4227 or H110 $25.00
Sealed boxes of 100 .224 bullets 40, 45, 50, 52, 53 and 55 grain.
Hornady, Sierra, and Nosler Various bullet types.
13 each and $14 for Match 52 & 53 grain.
Box of 100 .308 cal 35 grain spire point bullets $20.00
Box of 100 .357 hard cast wadcutters $16.00
Box of 100 .357 158 grain jacketed soft point bullets $20.00

Gary Virkler 315-339-0480 between 3PM and 10 PM.

For Sale:

Remington 700 22-250 laminated Stock, Simmons 4-12 scope, bipod, sling, like new $600 831-5535 Pete Ward