Work Day:
We have scheduled a work day for Saturday, February 1 at 8 AM. We plan to paint the ceiling in the meeting room and clean and sort brass to get it ready for the scrap value. We will also have 2 drawings for pairs of tickets to the Oneida Federation of Sports Clubs banquet to be held April 5 at the Roselawn Banquet Hall. Everyone who comes to help out will be eligible to win a pair of tickets.
Paper Folder For Sale:
We have a Martin Yale Model P7200 paper folding machine that we no longer need. We are offering it up for sale at $100. If you are interested in it use the Contact Us button at the top of this page to let us know. A new folder of this model is currently selling for over $300.
Winter Shooting Leagues:
Bullseye pistol has started. Shooting is for .22LR pistol and will start each Tuesday at 5:30 PM. League runs through the winter until the beginning of April.
Steel falling plates league began on December 5, 2024. This shoot is for .22LR pistol, shooting begins at 5:30 PM. League runs each Thursday until the last Thursday in March.
Steel Plate Tournaments:
Dates have been set for our annual steel falling plate tournaments. There will be two tournaments, the first is on Saturday February 22, 2025 and the second is on Saturday March 29, 2025. Both tournaments begin at 1 PM and usually run until 4:30 PM. As usual we ask that you bring a food dish to share, we will be drawing for door prizes, and there is no fee to shoot in these events.
Outdoor Range Guests:
The outdoor range remains at one guest per day per member and the One Day Membership form must be filled out, signed by the member and deposited in the mail slot in the club’s kitchen counter cover.
Indoor Range Guests: